Ghost Club Operating Tips

Charge Ghost Club about once a month. The image should change daily (there are 99). If you notice the image not changing daily, it’s time to charge. Charge using any USB Micro cable (one is provided).

Ghost Club Operating Tips

If you want to see the charge level when the USB cable is not plugged in, just reach inside the largest square opening on the back and press down on the battery button.

If you ever want to skip an image, change the timing of the image reset, or just need to reset the piece for any reason, there’s a small black button in the upper left back panel opening. Press the button down with a screwdriver or any other item small enough to reach the button. Give the piece 30 seconds or so to refresh.

There is no off switch for this piece. If you want it to stop changing, you’ll need to wait for the battery to fully discharge.