Two weeks ago Bill Kipp talked to the Sustainable Energy class about the administrative, environmental, and political challenges of building new transmission lines to deliver sustainable energy to the various states in the Southwest. His project, now 4 years in, will deliver wind and solar energy over thousands of miles at a cost less than that of a public utility company. Getting permission to cross lands owned by sovereign Native American nations, Military testing sites, wildlife preserves, and protected national monuments isn't as easy as you might think (nor should it be!). Check out the details here:
New Hair Styles
Photo Opportunity
Bill Kipp talks about the Challenges of Energy Transmission in the Southwest
Beautiful lamps just completed by LWHS 9th graders
Each lamp built from 12"x12" acrylic, 12"x12" steel, 30"x5"wood, lit by custom Arduino LED circuit.
Good Stuff in April in Chelsea
Visit to the MIT Media Lab
After years of hearing about the Media Lab, it was a special treat to finally get to see this set of innovative creative technical labs in person. Thank you Jie Qi and Tiffany Tsung for hosting me @medialab.
Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony
New Work: CNC Steel + VFG Fir Modular Surface
Frame: Living for Tourism
Some New Excerpts from My Upcoming Graphic Novel
View excerpts :
Excerpts from Sit Please: Illustrated Experiences in Senegal, Mali and Ethiopia. 160+ pages of short stories. Researching publishing options now. Expected availability: Fall 2014.
Working with Students on Designing Playground for Senegalese Village
Working with LWHS and DREW students to design a school playground for Santhiou Mame Gor, in Senegal. We plan on building the palyground during our annual summer cultural exchange trip. Next step: send the ideas to the village for feedback.
Great talk by Processing creator Casey Reas @ UC Berkeley.
Thank you to the creator of a brilliant open source tool. Great work presented to a packed Monday night house. Use processing!
First Design with LWHS's CNC Plasma
After working out some high frequency interference issues, we have the Tourchmate CNC Plasma up and running. Very easy .dxf file export from Illustrator to the CNC control software.
I only have 100 projects floating around in my head now.
Just finished an outrageously good GAFFTA workshop with Lauren McCarthy and Kyle McDonald
These two covered so many topics on internet and electronic media art. It will take me months to sort through all the ideas. Really fantastic and thought provoking class! Get to know these two!
Sustainable Energy Class Visit to Bloom Energy!
If you don't know about Bloom Energy, look into it. The Bloom Box fuel cell system is the most amazing and efficient energy source I've seen. It's going to be huge. We're so fortunate to get to visit two years in a row. The company is humming along. Thank you to K.R., David (pictured on the left) and the whole crew.
OpenSCAD: another way to tinker away the 3D day
And it's free!
Most useful Arduino book I've seen in awhile. Thank you @simonmonk2
Love the chapter on reducing power consumption.
Programming Arduino Next Steps: Buy it:
Excited and Scared
Excited and Scared for Gasland 2. On video soon. Still thinking about the first installment.
Green Illusions
In preparation for the Spring Sustainable Energy course, I'm reading Green Illusions by Ozzie Zehner. After only three chapters I'm questioning multiple sustainable energy systems. The biggest shocker is the section on the politics and inefficiencies of ethanol. Lots here for class discussion. Recommended.