@sfpc we've been working with particle systems using openFrameworks. Here's some short video documentation of my studies:
Animation Inspired by John Whitney's 1960s Animations
Test Copy of "SIT PLEASE" Graphic Novel Sent to Press!
Using Blurb for for test copy of Sit Please. Should be in hand by November 3rd! Progress!
Try My PuzzleScript Game
The first MATURE rated PuzzleScript game:
PG Version:
OpenFrameworks Kinect V2 Workshop with Andrew McWilliams
Andrew McWilliams founder of the Hardware Hacklab led a super workshop @SFPC_school on how to get the Kinect V2 sensor to work on a Mac computer in OpenFrameworks.
All one needs to know is right here! : http://www.jahya.net/blog/
My learning tool for 8-bit binary numbers
Created this today in @ sfpc_school:
Each part of the stomach represents one of the 8 binary positions. Each place starts as a 0. Start with a number and follow the instructions to find out the binary value.
As you follow the path of digestion you determine where the ONES fall and place food in each stomach cavity. Here is 175 in binary: 10101111.
As of Tomorrow: Back to School for 10 Weeks
Listen to this: Mike's Femur = Semi-Improvisational-Electronic-Guitar-Noisy-Ambient-Recordings
Mike Glenn and I are proud to finally share some recordings from our weekly rock, noise and drone sessions. These semi-improvisational live recordings from our practice space in the Tenderloin. Recorded between 2012 and 2014 and slightly mixed at Mike's place in the Sunset. All tracks are free for download on soundcloud.
Mike Glenn: Bass, Keyboard, Drums
Andrew Kleindolph: Keyboard, Guitars
Interactive sensor controlled projection by Paolo Salvagione
Interactive Creative Code Bonanza @GAFFTA last night! Brilliant work @kildall @salvagione
Scott Kildall's 3D printed visualizations of San Francisco's unseen water projects.
Air quality visualization by Taurin Barrera, a recent Mills Grad. I always have a soft spot for Mills Alumni!
Sounds in the Mission by Kirstin Henry
A great night and so cool to see the amazing new space that GAFFTA has for at least 10 years!!
Thanks @kildall for the AutoDesk Instructables residency tour!
A few images from my visit to the dream shops at AutoDesk Instructables! My friend Scott Kildall is doing amazing work there!
5 axis CNC router
Beautiful Lathe
Metal Laser Cutter
Horizontal Band Saw
A League of Laser Cutters and 3D printers
Nice Organization System!
Controllable Giant Eyes
11-Axis Milling Machine?
It was a home for cars, now it's full of beautiful...
A former Tesla dealership in Menlo Park is now full of beautiful pieces by Tara Donovan. Nice work @PaceGallery

Another Great Summer Class: Digital Fabrication!
In the 2nd week of CCA's summer formations program, a small group of students from CCA and beyond worked on generative architectural studies using Rhino and Grasshopper. Each project was designed to tile together to create a larger collaborative pattern. Each tile used a different digital fabrication process including: laser cutting, CNC routing and 3D printing. Thanks to Adam Marcus for all the guidance.
Keith and Kiki lay out the group's piece on Friday afternoon.
Cutting curved paths with the CNC router.
Breaking a solid form into 100 or more laser-cut slotted pieces.
My end of the week project collection.NCC
Parametric Modeling at CCA
I just finished a exciting parametric modeling class through CCA's summer formations program. In just 5 days, the whole group produced some amazing parametric studies using Rhino and Grasshopper. Thanks to Adam Marcus for all the guidance.
Drawing using boolean methods.
Study on contours and line divisions.
Various student works presented on the final day.
Grasshopper code
A selection of Bushwick street art from July 2014
The kids will swing!
The Playground in Santhiou Mame Gor is Complete!
Final Day celebration outside the school
Thank you to all the hard work of the LWHS and Drew students for helping to design and build this playground for Santhiou Mame Gor. Extra special thank you @Youssou Fall for doing so much design and prep work. The playground is a hit!
Second Solar Suitcase Installation
I worked with Katarina Cusin and LWHS student Cameron Rosen to install a 2nd WeCareSolar suitcase in the remote village of Nguniene, Senegal. Cameron and I performed the install, and Katarina delivered the training. During the training, the staff informed us that they deliver babies for a whopping 25 villages! As with the previous install, we were unable to drill into the roof so we had to get inventive. The hospital gave us an old steel bed frame and we used metal zip ties to attach the panels to the frame. Let's hope this device makes for many happy babies!
Patient Check-in
The hospital keeps all sorts of friends on campus.
They had a ladder!
Katarina explains the features of the suitcase
The installation crew
Successful First Solar Suitcase Installation
We installed our first WeCareSolar suitcase at the Poste de Sante Dediender, about 10 minutes from the village of Santhiou Mame Gor, Senegal. This clinic is heavily used and sometimes has doctors delivering babies by candlelight! They were very excited to have the included super-bright LED lights and rechargeable headlamps for upcoming deliveries.
Four students (Zack, Kyle, Long-Long, and August) helped with the installation. Katarina Cusin and I worked together on training the staff how to use the unit. Daouda Camara helped to translate the instructions to Wolof. We couldn't drill into the roof due to suspected asbestos so we built a wood framework for the solar panels and attached everything to cinder blocks (which were already on the roof).
Check out the candle in the window!
A Saturday Afternoon with "We Care Solar"
A generous donation, from LWHS Parent Brad Rock, has connected the Lick/Drew Senegal Trip with the Berkeley-based NGO, We Care Solar. On Saturday afternoon students learned about the solar suitcase's lighting and charging abilities, as well as how to install the units and properly train local health workers. We'll be installing 3 of these units on the upcoming trip!
Trying out the LED lights. Very bright at only about 2 watts each.
Installation exercise.
Hal Aronson and Laura Stachel have an amazingly well designed and engineered system. It's very exciting to make this connection and to be able to work with such a high quality device. Find out more about We Care Solar. We'll post updates on the installation from the field. Look for them on the LWHS/Drew trip blog.
Lick-Wilmerding and Other Things @ Bay Area Maker Faire 2014
The Lick-Wilmerding Booth in the Young Makers Area.
Other great things at Maker Faire:
More Planning for LWHS/Drew Senegal Service Learning Trip 2014
Some of the playground parts going with us.
Swing and climbing wall parts
Quick Concept Drawing (Overall Layout)
Quick Concept Drawing (Central Structure)
Tool Training
Tool Training
Donations and Parts are piling up in our office!