Ever since I completed the Machine Learning Literacy workshop back in February (at the School for Poetic Computation), I've been wanting to put together a project using Machine Learning. I finally finished something I call Land of Lumps. Land of Lumps is an experimental comic strip that utilizes the word vector abilities of the machine learning library ml5.js (along with p5.js) to generate dialog for a second character based on the user’s input for the first. The output is pretty wacky...which I love.
If you're like me and had never heard of word vectors before, here's a short explanation.
Land of Lumps is live!!! You should try it: http://extrasleepy.github.io/lumps/
A couple tips:
- Short phrases work better
- Avoid contractions
If you make anything you want to share, send it to me! Here are a few examples: